Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Beginning of Chaos

Simon is one of the older boys on the island who is independent as well as being the first one to find that the childhood innocence right before his death.This shows what Golding's intentions were as he attempted to show the effects of human evil on innocence. This fictional piece is my interpretation of Simon's death from his point of view.

The night was descending as I made my way up the mountain. Still dazed from the encounter with the Lord of the Flies I slowly made my way up the great mountain. At the top lie the beast but it was not the beast but rather a mangled pilot that had parachuted down. Even the pilot had been found by the horrendous flies. The sight caused me to lose everything in my stomach. How thankful I was that there was no beast to be afraid of. My first thought was that I must go tell everybody and with that I descended the mountain and went to the gathering. However as I reached the edge of the forest my pace slowed to almost a creep as I saw how they were doing that devilish pig hunt dance again. Such words as "Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!" Filled my ears again and again.

So with that I took my time as slithered out of the forest in great fear. All of a sudden they erupted like a volcano and were screaming that I was the beast and I was quickly being mauled by the wild savages. All my power was used in trying to explain who I was and what I had to say but they kept on the attack. Soon I was killed and my body washed out to sea and for that reason I write this now from a different place.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lord of the Flies Overview

The novel we are currently reading is Lord of the Flies by William Golding. It is a strict irony book and is set on a desolate island where a number of boys at a range of ages have been dumped off in a crash. Throughout the book so far different characters have emerged representing things such as the devil which is the lord of the flies. The read is fairly difficult as the author's style is quite confusing with the way he jumbles up words. I personally don't know anything about the author but the book was published in 1954.