Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Stream of Consciousness-River

The great blue expanse of water stretching for miles, it travels to its new home rushing with new life the river flows teeming with life,life that lives upon these waters swimming and crawling the the wondrouse crystal water the creatures go. Possibly to a new home or in search of food the great journey never ends. Some will survive these great journeys whiloe others won't, by the end they will all have experienced the great power of the river as they were swept upon it without any way out it flows to the destination always moving never stopping the river flows.


  1. I think this is a really good entry. You used a wide vocabulary range, i really can't think of anything to change.

  2. I agree with taylor.... The wide range of vocabulary really adds to it. Also, I like how you tied in life to the end of it, how we all are swept along, growing older and older, going through rough times and good times. Great job! I can't think of anything to change in this piece...
