Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 proj.

Speech from Video
Date, Thursday May 02, 2011
Citizens of America,
At this time I come to you in a time of uncertainty, a time of danger, as well as a worldwide crisis. Presidents before me tried to resolve this issue and failed, however I am determined and will not stop until our country is secure and safe for the citizens of the United States of America.In this situation something must be done.

As you all know by now yesterday France was bombed and the city of Paris destroyed, gone, turned to dust as North Korea dropped a few of their many nuclear bombs. Notice I said a few of their many, they still have the power to drop any amount of bombs they please, anywhere on the face of the world.

So where do we as Americans come into play? Long ago we joined with the French and became allies, therefore it is our duty to protect them in a time of weakness. Here on our own soil we are not safe as we can be bombed at any moment. Therefore we are to go into France as their defense, not only to protect them but our own as well as we are to put a stop to this madness and put the fuse out on the madmen of North Korea.

I can not disclose to you the details of this mission but I can assure you that there will soon be no more bombs flying out of the country of North Korea. What is open for me to tell you is that force will be used as plan B and a peace treaty as plan A. Some may call this a tall order, I call it my job. We will not be alone, along our side will be our brethren from Canada, Germany and Spain to resolve this issue. The problem here is not North Korea but rather that I have failed as a president to keep you as the loyal citizens of America safe and unworried. I am personally committed to gaining your trust once again as we go out to settle this once and for all.

We will not take the cowards way out, we will not lie down, we will go and stand up for our lives and the freedoms that come with being an American. The decision has been made and we are to go out and save the world from the harmful men that have brought fear and terror into such a great world. (applause) Thank You for your time and let me reassure you that u will soon be safe and I ask that you would put your trust in the men and women that will be fighting for your livelihood and that concludes what I can disclose to you tonight. God Bless, goodnight.

Relation to novel-
In the novel Fahrenheit 451 the government has not succeeded in completing it's job and the country is incredibly endangered as the biggest cities start to be destroyed as a nuclear war starts. Well the same problem is around today as the governments of the world are not taking enough precautions with these incredibly powerful nuclear weapons. So what happens if the threat of worldwide nuclear war arouses because not enough has been done to prevent it? That question is what leads into my problem of nuclear bombs being used in our world and our government needs to decide what to do. The similarities between the two now become very evident as in both instances the government has made some poor decisions and now needs to make a decision on what to do.


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Friday, January 15, 2010

Sixth Sense

In the video above you will see how much our world is truly advancing right in front of our eyes. There is so much going on around the world that is unkown to us as much of it is in progress and not brought out for national attention as of yet. A new decade is upon us and with it could come some of the most monumental technological advancements un history. Minds are growing stonger day by day as geniuses emerge to show their creations that will blow minds and stun the world. After seeing this video that is what I expect in the new decade.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bradbury's Message

Darkness fills the streets, little light coming from the cold streetlights, people talking to walls filled with video and thoughtless confusion. Guy Montag lives in this world day in and day out without a thought towards the way it should be, until he meets Clarisse who supplies him with thought, something unheard of in such a world. Thought brings hope to Guy and starts the demolition of the fear of an unused life. Bob Bowden once said “Don’t go to your grave with a life unused.” With the history lesson from Beatty and the fear brought to Montag with it Bradbury is trying to warning us to fear a life of usefulness and nothing day after day. Life filled with fear, and brutality against those who have chose the right path, one of thought and courage to do something with their lives so that they might be content with the life given to them rather than pondering over what they should have, could have done. Bradbury teaches a great lesson through this novel that should be taken into the lives of each of it’s readers. You can decide what that something is going to be in your life, just go and do it.