Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bradbury's Message

Darkness fills the streets, little light coming from the cold streetlights, people talking to walls filled with video and thoughtless confusion. Guy Montag lives in this world day in and day out without a thought towards the way it should be, until he meets Clarisse who supplies him with thought, something unheard of in such a world. Thought brings hope to Guy and starts the demolition of the fear of an unused life. Bob Bowden once said “Don’t go to your grave with a life unused.” With the history lesson from Beatty and the fear brought to Montag with it Bradbury is trying to warning us to fear a life of usefulness and nothing day after day. Life filled with fear, and brutality against those who have chose the right path, one of thought and courage to do something with their lives so that they might be content with the life given to them rather than pondering over what they should have, could have done. Bradbury teaches a great lesson through this novel that should be taken into the lives of each of it’s readers. You can decide what that something is going to be in your life, just go and do it.


  1. Good job. I especially liked "the demolition of the fear of an unused life".

  2. Nice job ben. I really like all of the points that you brought up and I also liked the quote that you put in. Check your grammer though in the sentnce "Bradbury is trying to warning us to fear."
