Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Sunset on the Lake

Authors Note-This is a response to a word association that we did in class. Also if you can't read the text it is below.

A dull orange glow
As the flaming ball of fire
Ceases to reach its arms
To the scorched world
As it sets below the horizon
A lone boat drones on
Spray coming up from behind
As the skier cuts his way
Through the water
Calm as a pane of glass
Sitting atop the water
How peaceful is the world
When the sun turns
To a dull orange glow


  1. I can't read the text because of the way you set up the lay-out.

  2. I really like how you chose a picture to go with the poem. But I couldn't really read some of the lines.

  3. I really like how you used really strong diction and were able to really get a grasp on describing what is going on with advance vocabulary words.
