Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Author's note: While reading through Jekyll and Hyde I found it very apparent that connections can be made from just about every part of the text and everything seemed to be intertwined. However I also realized that these things are not just apparent in novels but everyday life as well.

If you have ever pulled apart a simple rope or even a shoestring then you know how something so simple is really created through the combination of an incredible number of tiny strands, all to create a single bond that we see as a single rope. Just like that rope our lives are not simply the makings of bone, and flesh but rather a series of events and influences that shape and twist people; the events, friends, family, memories, downfalls, and achievement that we call ourselves. What you view from the outside is only the beginning of that rope. As you follow those strands deeper it is no secret that there are many more strands to be found showing that  everyone is completely different than how they might present themselves. Each person has a different character, a different personality, and maybe even a past of misery, despair, or even greatness, that they choose to hide among the innermost parts of that rope. Just like that thick strong rope we all have frays and connections that intertwine themselves deep inside the simple outside providing much more meaning than the rope shows.


  1. Ben, I really like how you took a completely different idea than what most people are writing about. I totally agree with you, every single part of our life is intertwined, and that there is always a deeper meaning. I especially enjoyed your analogy to a rope, because it has always baffled me how all of those little strings can come together to make such a sturdy rope. The only thing I think you could've added is maybe some textual evidence or events from the novel that were intertwined, because I think that would've made your overall piece stronger. However, you writing was great and very meaningful.

  2. This really was a very different idea to write about but it made this piece different but awesome. I think you could have made this a little more about the book because I'm confused how this happens in the book. But good job overal!

  3. This was really good Ben! I really liked how you took one of the main ideas of the novel and created a metaphor that was easy to understand. It really made me think about all of the "strings" that make up people's "ropes". If anything, I would say to elaborate more on your idea and make it a little longer, but nice job!

  4. This was really good Ben! You went on a different path than everyone else and took a risk which is great! This is really good!
