Friday, March 2, 2012

All Quiet on the Western Front Chapter 1

Author's note: This is a response to describe an emerging motif in chapter 1.

   Even though it was just a short chapter, chapter 1 revealed a number of insightful motifs that are sure to amplify the major theme's of the novel. One that was very clear to me was the motif of the simple things in life. Throughout the chapter the soldiers expressed their gratitude for things such as fatty food, separate toilets, and a double serving of rations.
           This motif of all the simple things that most people take for granted make the reader examine their own lives, and realize how much they really have. It causes a reader to really see what the people on the front lines are grateful for when for most of us, it's a part of our daily lives. I believe that this motif could possibly suggest that the theme of reality that could exist in the rest of the novel. In the theme of reality it would express that we live in a world where reality is not what we think it is.

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