Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Meaningful Quote from Great Expectations

Meaning behind the text will be found constantly and Dickens has some very powerful things to say that must be discovered rather than just looked upon. The meaning is found deeper. "Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts." (p 160)

Inside the words you will find an great amount of content extending from the words themselves as the meaning behind this quote is so large. At the beginning of the quote it talks about how only heaven knows that we shouldn’t be ashamed of our tears. This means that even though tears may be a sign of weakness and are not accepted on earth as well as by ourselves they are nothing to be ashamed of and they are rather good than bad. Following that it goes on to explain that tears are what brings down the coldness hatred and everything else bad in our life. So in the end what Charles Dickens is trying to say through Pip is that you may have become a cold, evil, fake, non loyal person but let the tears come as that will bring you back to realization of what you have become so that you may change your ways and receive forgiveness from those you have hurt by doing the things that have been done.


  1. Great job on explaining this quote! You clarified the meaning very well by breaking down the quote into smaller parts and making sense of it. It shows you have a really good understanding of this novel. Great work

  2. I like all your insightful thoughts. The evidence you give and the strong conclusion you make is good.

  3. Nice job explaining the quote! Your opinion was strong and it makes your responce a good responce! Nice Job!
