Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Learning from the Animals

Among the creatures, a land of comfort not found by many is the one that Pi can be found in. Pi's dad owns a zoo and takes a lot of pride in it. The paradox comes in with the fact that Pi and his dad are incredibly comfortable among these great animals and really take a liking to them where on the other side the general public is happy to have that pane of glass in separating them. Comfort as well as question is brought upon Pi through these beasts lives and habits. A lot is out there to learn from the animals and Pi really begins to tap into that reserve in the novel.

Pi is able to take a lot from the animals but most important of all is the meaning of home. Home to the animals is not the wild but rather their cages where they are safe and full. It may not be what is natural but they are content with it. With such knowledge he finds more in what he has and how great it really is. For that reason when the family packs things up for Canada he becomes unsettled and even a little sad with all of the great animals being shipped away. He has to become content with the situation he has been given and not dwell on the old but move to the new and make something great of what you have been given as it is yours and your attitude that will decide the final conclusion.


  1. I like your idea of how Pi learns from the animals. Most of them are selfless and just worry about surviving through the next day. If you think about it, we were all once in the same place they are in evolution.

  2. I liked your paper a lot it was very creative. You has nice word choice and detailed, and showed how much a person can care anothe rliving being not of their own kind.

  3. I really liked your last sentence. It was great writing and gave a lot of meaning to your paragraph.

  4. This is a great response. I really liked your last sentence. It had great structure and really describes what is going on in the book. Also having a pink blog is awesome!

  5. I agree with many comments above! Your last sentence really made your responce sound strong. Nice Job!
