Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Pathway of Life.

The winding path of life bringing comfort to most. Choosing to follow something greater brings more to life as no longer are you following the ways of those around you but rather your heart. Not to follow the path but to break trail instead. A tribute to life bringing inspiration to go, not to stop but to move forward. Rocks falling in effort to stop the trail. Life is to strong, it will not be stopped. Boulders coming in mission of destruction. I will not be stopped, the world is mine. The time has come. No more following, no more simplicity, it's time to go make a name, my time, my life. No one will stop the will to live.


  1. This is really good. I like how you said that there is "no more following" and how "no one will stop the will to live" the message behind it was really cool and I can't think of anything to change. Great job. :)

  2. This is really good, but I wonder why you didn't write it as a poem.

  3. My original intention was to write it as a poem but it got too long and I decided the message would work better in the form that it is in.
