Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blotting out All Evil

Author's note: Creative response to a personally interesting aspect of the first three chapters in Jekyll and Hyde.

Evil exists not through strength but rather through cunning in a world where it is constantly batted away. It finds a place to rest in the caverns where goodness once reigned supreme. Created through the lack of goodness, not by the ability of evil nature, it is not a thing but rather simply the absence of good. Without goodness and all the qualities associated with it we turn to evil. That goodness can be captured and encompassed in one's life through whatever it is that one believes but it is necessary in blotting out the darkness. In Jekyll and Hyde, such evil is represented through the mysteries of Mr. Hyde, in his mysterious actions and appearance. Even as the lawyer Mr. Utterson questioned Jekyll of Hyde there came a blackness about his eyes. Hyde has secured a place inside Jekyll and rooted himself so not to be let go. However with that space lacking goodness, Jekyll is being opened to the threat of evil and is slowly being overcome by the immense power.


  1. Ben, your piece was very interesting, the way you said that there is only good and evil, no space in between was a very cool idea. I especially liked how you said that evil was, "created by the lack of goodness, not by the ability of evil nature". Sometimes I wonder if characters like Hyde are truly evil, or rather neither evil nor good, but your explanation gave me a different point of view. Great job!

  2. That was a very good response. I really liked the introduction and the way that it flowed while still explaining your point. The difference between good and evil is obviously evident in Jekyll and Hyde and you did a great job describing it. Great job Ben.

  3. I liked how effectively incorporated Hyde to represent the evil within the depths of us all, and Jekyll as the shell of good holding it back. Your ideas were well thought out, the only thing I may change would be a few forms of punctuation where necessary.

  4. Ben, this was a very good response. The whole idea was very interesting and you described everything very well. I also thought that the flow throughout the piece was very good. Maybe next time try to make it a little longer. Nice job.

  5. i really liked how you said the lack of goodness... it makes the evil sound less conquering and more sneaky and creepy.
