Friday, January 20, 2012

Short Story

Authors Note: Creative writing response for the end of the semester.

A lone man stood upon the rotting linoleum floor in heartache, peering down into the rippling water of his New York motel sink. He looked into the grimy mirror and in return he saw a man unfamiliar to him. Covered in dirt with a head of long greasy hair, he was an image of failure. However, failure he did not see; instead, he saw a slight glimmer of hope within himself.  Without work and without hope however, the future was dim. On the other side of the dark room sat his wife and two kids. Their clothing was tattered, their stomachs shrunken, and by the moonlight they toiled at their homework. Except for the occasional question, no one spoke. The old floorboards, weak with age, creaked at the slightest movement. Life was rough and the times were tough in the midst of the great depression. The family had lost their house and was on the verge of being tossed from the motel. However, they had one thing going for them; they knew how to work.
On the other side of town there wasn’t a poor family in sight. Large plush homes filled the landscape. One of the houses was occupied by a big businessman’s son and his wife. Life was good, and they had no problem with living off of his father’s money. Days were filled at the office, taking calls and sipping coffee. It was any poor man’s dream. The wealth gushed out of the man through his custom tailored suit and Cadillac convertible. He cruised the streets in style sporting his dark sunglasses no matter the time of day. Nights were filled roaming among the best of New York. As all the beautiful lights glimmered among the brisk city night he sighed to himself, and felt as though something was missing, something that would complete his perfect life. Little did he know, things were about to change.
Kevin and Bill were two young inspired boys ready to take on the world when they first met during the summer, going into fifth grade. Bill had just moved into the fine neighborhood across from the trailer park where Kevin resided and they spent all day, every day, meandering about their two homes, playing games with the neighborhood kids and having an overall blast. Kevin was thoroughly amazed the first time he walked into Bill’s home, but there was something wrong, something missing, he just didn’t know what it was. Nonetheless the two went about dreaming of how they would one day be partners in business, making them both filthy rich.
As Bill sat down in the lawyer’s office that day, however, he did not feel the slightest bit of contentment, nor did he have much more than the money left in his wallet and his house. As the lawyer read his father’s will it slowly became apparent that Bill was not to inherit the business as he had hoped. Rather, it was his father’s business partner who would be handling the multi-million dollar corporation. As Bill Smith looked out the window of the fifth floor office that afternoon, all he saw was the grey sky, and his only feelings were of self-pity and remorse for his father. An hour later, as he exited with his wife, his eyes opened to another world. He saw the jewelry store across the street and the bank on the corner but instead of thinking of what he could buy or how he could invest the little money he had left his mind turned to other options. As his consideration, which was there to cause impact within him, was burst into the mortal man’s conscience rather than expelled from it, his future fell into the hands of poor decision.
The night was young and Kevin was sitting down to a substantial meal with his family. They all squeezed into the little card table that they had set up in their room, because tonight was not to be sad, for the first time in months good news was reaching the Wilson’s dinner table. After settling down to a homemade meal, Kevin proceeded to deliver the good news to his family. Just that day his boss at the car factory called him into his office. His boss proceeded to inform him that he had been observing the workers the past week in order to hand pick a supervisor. Due to Kevin’s work ethic, he had been selected. He knew this was directly correlated to the immense effort he poured into his work on the assembly line each and every day. Not only did this mean he would be relieved of the monotonous labor, but also he would be receiving a substantial raise. So as smiles grew and hopes began to reemerge, the family understood that they would be able to keep a roof over their heads.  
Darkness began to blanket the city as Bill left his house in upstate New York. The lights slowly turned out one by one and the small street became enveloped by the eerie quiet of a late city night. Shadows came and went but one remained. Life seemed to stand still as the hands of the clock ticked across the vast plain of the white circle. A lone shadow slunk across the road, and with a swift crash, the jewelry store was breached. Within seconds the sharp pang of the alarm was stopped, without the slightest stir among the residents of the street. At 3:30 that same morning Bill Smith slid into bed, assuring his wife that he had a typical Friday night on the town.

1.      A man stood upon a railroad bridge in Northern Alabama, looking down into the swift waters twenty feet below.
2.      Excepting the group of four at the centre of the bridge not a man moved.
3.      As these thoughts, which have here to be set down in words, were burst into the doomed man’s brain rather than evolved from it, the captain nodded to the sergeant.


  1. Interesting 'plot'. I like the alternating points of view and the illustration of happiness in the situation you wouldn't expect it. Some of your sentences were a bit wordy, but they didn't hurt the overall story at all. Nice job!

  2. i also liked the plot, the character seemed to deny he was in trouble, and kept looking forward. i didn't understand some parts, making it more clear would improve it. i felt good for the family because their lives would soon improve.

  3. The various points of view kept the story interesting and made me want to read more. I especially liked how you waited to say how Bill and Kevin were connected until the middle of the story, so there was something to think about and to ponder. At some parts, you didn't quite specify if there was a change of scene or time, so maybe if you clearly showed these changes it would improve the story. The story really made me think about how different everyone's lives will be when we grow up and how far we will grow apart.

  4. Nice story! The alternating plots made the story interesting. Only thing I would change would be adding more emotion into some parts, such as the part where his father left his business to his assistant. Otherwise, well done.

  5. I really liked how you had different view points throughout the whole story. It was very interesting. Nice work Ben!

  6. Well Done...the changing points of view during the story keeps the reader engaged and interested in the story and wanting to know what is coming next. Consider revising some sentences to make them less wordy but overall nice job.

  7. Excellent story, the changing points of view in the story provided a mix from the plot kept me more engage, but at some points you could have put in a break in order to make it more clearer. But otherwise it was very well written

  8. Great story Ben, your creativity really propelled your story along very nicely it flowed well. I found very few mistakes, and overall great story.

  9. Nice story, the whole idea of the changing viewpoints is a creative way to present your story differently than everybody else's. Way to go Ben!

  10. I like the additions you have made to the story since I have last read it. It truly is a very well written story. The best part was showing the two separate points of views in your story. You could have added more literary devices but other than that very good.

  11. I really liked how you changed points of view during your story. I think it made your story very interesting. If I had to change something I would probably explain things a little bit more to make things more clear for the reader. Overall, it was a great story!

  12. That was cool. I liked the moving point of view and how different characters were incorporated. Sometimes I got lost in the words, but this didn’t take away from the story.

  13. This is a well written piece. I love your ending the most out of the story. It gave me the chills for some reason, maybe it's because you're a very good writer. Keep up the good work Ben-Ten

  14. I really like your plot. It's interesting and unlike any of the other stories I have read. You used great diction and I was able to picture the people and the events perfectly. Some parts seemed a little bit out of place or choppy. Maybe a bit of discription would help. But in the end I was able to figure everything out. Overall, this was very well written. Nice job!

  15. Great Story Ben! The changing viewpoints of the characters in your story really added a good effect. Your diction was amazing and your mimic lines flowed perfectly into your story. Keep it up!

  16. You did a great job writing this, especially including the multiple viewpoints showing the multiple emotions of the characters. It did get slightly confusing in some areas however I was able to go back and read it again to understand what was going on, overall you did a great job.

  17. Great story Ben. The depth in which you went to describe each scene added to the effect of your piece, and diction kept it moving along st a good pace.
