Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pip's Home Life

Life at home for Pip is very sad. He must live with Mrs. Joe and Joe G. due to his parents and siblings passing away and him becoming an orphan. Life is very stressful for him as he is strictly restrained to what he can do around the house. Pip being the young, innocent youthful child he is does not do well an environment like this and must get some escape once in a while. Such a behavior will normally lead to a punishment even though he had done nothing wrong as all he had done was go for a walk or something similar. These punishments are very harsh as Mrs. Joe will unleash a belt of some sort upon him for even the simplest of things. The belt had been nick-named tickler and that was far from what it had done as it had been used so often that it was worn from being hit on Pip so many times. She might even force him to drink of a tar like substance for something as simple as asking too many questions. This is the sad life that Pip lives day in and day out at his very home.

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