Monday, October 26, 2009 Video


  1. This man (Henry Markram) has a very interesting theory on how the brain works. I don't agree with him on most of his ideas however as his theories are quite far fetched. He is very knowledgable and thinks that he should be able to build a human brain within ten years which is very remarkable and we will have to wait and see if he succeeds.

  2. Can you expand on any of the specifics? I found the video really interesting. I think what you want to do is take some of the text, even if you can't really get everything he said, and write specifically to that point you want to argue. Then people who visit will be able to have a discussion take place. For example, do you think we actually form a universe for ourselves with our mind, a sort of bubble we create with our perceptions? And depending on your answer, what would that mean for us?

  3. His idea of the bubble of perceptions has some truth but I don't think it is very truthful. It may help him to create his brain in a supercomputer but in reality everything we see is actually there and the only thing we develop in our minds is our perceptions of these objects.

  4. He may be able to copy the DNA thread, and make it structurally similar, but what he and humankind will never be able to do is copy God's work and create life. The structure may be imitated, but the self-sufficient life that we have is impossible to recreate.

  5. I agree. He is a smart dude but he still doesn't have that kind of power.

  6. Well, maybe he does, but he's taking like 25 years to create this brain (15 that hes put in already, 10 more to create is.) I think the most interesting point in this is that everybody's reality is different. And now we are going to be able to see other people's reality. He just created a unique reality that is not structured like anybody else's. And really, do we know that everything looks the same to us? Maybe the color red to me looks different than the color red to you. There is no way to find out. How would you describe red? "it is the color of fire, roses, and strawberies." Well, then maybe your red is my green. Maybe when I look at a strawberry, see its color, and say red, you look at a strawberry, see what is for me green, and say "red". Now we can actually see that...
    The intelligence that poeple have amazes me. I thought there were some smart poeple in Pewaukee untili I saw this guy...

  7. Yeah there is no way that he could create an actual brain, especially not in ten years. He might be able to figure out what happens inside the brain, but he'll never be able tc copy the raw power of the brain.

  8. Ben, set up a poll on your blog on whether it is possible or not.
