Monday, October 26, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Oct 23-Rock

Grey, glistening in the warm sunshine the rock sits atop the dirt, the warmth bringing comfort to us as we climb the hill, going , going it never seems to end. The hill turns into a mountain, a mountain of great height, a challenge it is to summit this great beast, a terror to many we keep going, keep moving , never stopping the mountain ever growing to accommodate its newest visitors. Hours pass and yet the top is still so far away. Once a little hill from a distance this mountain now seems to be a huge towering creature, one that will never give in to the climbing of those who decide to challenge it. Every step bringing us closer to the top but our eyes perceive it as nothing, that we aren't moving, the mountain growing, we can't make progress, never will we reach the top. Our minds must be stronger, to say that we will make it, through the tough the tough will get going, keep moving and you will reach that goal, that goal that once seemed unattainable but now is just out of your reach, one more step and you will be there, that’s all it takes, one step and you will be there. Those who are weak will be unable to take that step but those who are strong in the mind will be able to finish their journey.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oct 20 Journal

Fog, everywhere,

a soft white blanket

falling over all of creation,

not a stir from the loud and cheerful animals can be heard.

Thick air full with moisture

the clouds have descended

creating an eerie atmosphere this cool fall morning.

Soon the sun will come up

out will go the eerie sensation of an invisible road

the blanket will rise

again the earth will come alive

revealing the nature and miracles

how wonderful a place we live in

The world can go from dead

To bounding with life and

happiness in mere hours.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Good Earth Final Essay

Below is the link to my final essasy on the novel The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. I tried include points about human nature, character and other points about the life that Wang Lung lived. Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The lake, a glass mirror reflecting the images of above as though it were something of a dream, the water calm as a warm summer night, drifting along without a noise without thought the water goes, waiting for the rising sun to warm the depths of the deep pockets of water in the magnificent lake. The sun comes bringing light into this amazing place illuminating the great beauty that was covered by the blankets of darkness, and with the sun comes the life and soon the lake is teeming with life, life so abundant in these waters, and with the life comes a new sensation, a sensation of being a part of something that most don't get to experience as you are now part of the the north woods.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Writing Goals

- Use more vocabulary.
- Get to know and use more literary devices.
- Create and post more pieces.
-more complex sentence structure.
-Use support group more in the writing process.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stream of Consciousness-Mountain

Towering above all creation it sits barren and dry at the bottom but yet life lives going this way and that among the patches of grass and forest. The farther up this creature you go the more lifeless it becomes. Soon to be only snow and ice inhabiting its cliffs, but yet it continues higher until it reaches a point. There is nothing, only complete serenity and swirling clouds the mountain has finished. It stands there above everything, with great authority for it is a great wonder to all that see it as to how it may have gotten so magnificent and in its glory the mountain will forever remain a great wonder of the world.