Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The lake, a glass mirror reflecting the images of above as though it were something of a dream, the water calm as a warm summer night, drifting along without a noise without thought the water goes, waiting for the rising sun to warm the depths of the deep pockets of water in the magnificent lake. The sun comes bringing light into this amazing place illuminating the great beauty that was covered by the blankets of darkness, and with the sun comes the life and soon the lake is teeming with life, life so abundant in these waters, and with the life comes a new sensation, a sensation of being a part of something that most don't get to experience as you are now part of the the north woods.


  1. This is a really nice piece. You use great description, and the picture you have really matches your writing. Great job!

  2. I really like this piece. The way you use your words make it seem as if I am actually there. Your first sentence sounds great; it is really descriptive, and creates a clear image.

  3. the picture is a good visual. good vocab and the words make it seem as though i am almost there

  4. The words fit the picture very nicely. They make me feel as if I am actually there. The paragraph was very descriptive, and you used a lot of great adjectives. Nice job!
