Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oct 20 Journal

Fog, everywhere,

a soft white blanket

falling over all of creation,

not a stir from the loud and cheerful animals can be heard.

Thick air full with moisture

the clouds have descended

creating an eerie atmosphere this cool fall morning.

Soon the sun will come up

out will go the eerie sensation of an invisible road

the blanket will rise

again the earth will come alive

revealing the nature and miracles

how wonderful a place we live in

The world can go from dead

To bounding with life and

happiness in mere hours.


  1. Excellent. I think knowing the picture there was for you to start with makes it even clearer in my mind as I read your poem. Excellent imagery, and use of cadence.

  2. This is a cool poem.I think it shows paradox, but it seems like that wasn't even the point of your poem which is very cool. YOur use of vocabulary is good, and I liked how you used objects to desrcibe things like a blanket for the fog.

  3. This is a creative poem. I like how you repeated words that made a statement like eerie. You did a great job making the reader feel like they were in fog. I felt like you cut the poem a little short. Maybe you could try making it longer, to make it stronger.
