Friday, October 23, 2009

Oct 23-Rock

Grey, glistening in the warm sunshine the rock sits atop the dirt, the warmth bringing comfort to us as we climb the hill, going , going it never seems to end. The hill turns into a mountain, a mountain of great height, a challenge it is to summit this great beast, a terror to many we keep going, keep moving , never stopping the mountain ever growing to accommodate its newest visitors. Hours pass and yet the top is still so far away. Once a little hill from a distance this mountain now seems to be a huge towering creature, one that will never give in to the climbing of those who decide to challenge it. Every step bringing us closer to the top but our eyes perceive it as nothing, that we aren't moving, the mountain growing, we can't make progress, never will we reach the top. Our minds must be stronger, to say that we will make it, through the tough the tough will get going, keep moving and you will reach that goal, that goal that once seemed unattainable but now is just out of your reach, one more step and you will be there, that’s all it takes, one step and you will be there. Those who are weak will be unable to take that step but those who are strong in the mind will be able to finish their journey.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this piece. I like how you repeat "going", it sounds great. Also, the ending sentence is very strong. Nice work!
